Sample Easy Book

Mean Camber line The mean camber line is the halfway point between the upper and lower surface of the aerofoil. Relative airflow The relative airflow is the airflow, that has both speed and direction, that moves over our aerofoil we call the relative airflow. Thickness to Chord or Chord Ratio Compares the thickness of the wing compared to its chord. Maximum point of thickness The point of maximum thickness that is the thickest part of the wing Trailing edge The trailing edge is the rear of the aerofoil. Total reaction force Lift is a force that acts at right-angles to the relative airflow while drag acts in the opposite direction of the relative airflow; the resultant force between the lift, and the drag, is the ‘total reaction force’. Washout Washout refers to the wing being designed so that the angle of incidence reduces from the wing root to the wing tip. This causes a lower angle of attack at the wing tips. This is to ensure the wing root stalls before the wing tip and makes the stall less severe. Leading edge The leading edge is the front of the aerofoil. Ch.1 - Basic Terminology Drag Drag is the force that opposes the movement of an aircraft through the air.