Straight and Level Brief


RPC Straight and Level (Brief)

1 / 16

What is Straight and Level?

2 / 16

What is positive stability?

3 / 16

What is our primary reference?

4 / 16

What is the distance between the nose of the aircraft and the horizon called?

5 / 16

How would you correct a nose up disturbance?

6 / 16

How would you correct a disturbance to the right?

7 / 16

How would you correct a disturbance which puts the aircraft out of balance?

8 / 16

What instrument is used to determine if we are climbing or descending?

9 / 16

What additional instrument could be used to determine if we are climbing or descending?

10 / 16

What instrument will tell us if we are out of balance?

11 / 16

What does trim do for the pilot?

12 / 16

If we release the control column and the aircraft pitches down, which way should we trim to correct this?

13 / 16

A basic, simplified lift formulae is L= V2 x AoA. If we increase our velocity, will our lift increase or decrease?

14 / 16

If we increase our Angle of Attack, will our lift increase or decrease?

15 / 16

If we want to maintain level flight, but fly at a slower speed, what needs to happen to our AoA?

16 / 16

If we want to maintain level flight, but fly at a faster speed, what needs to happen to our AoA?

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