Alex, Melbourne

GoFly24 Sep, 2020

It has been awesome to have access to these videos to pass the time during lockdown!  I have used them to complement my nav study (using the Bob Tait book).

The some highlights for me have been:

  • The flight planning lessons (in the cross country series), particularly the one about filling out a flight plan and using NAIPS.  So far this hasn’t been something covered in Bob Tait so it was new to me.  It would be great if we could download an electronic copy of the table used to complete the flight plan to practice.  I have drawn up my own table with a pen and a ruler based on the one in the lesson.  I have been using this to practice navs to all the places I want to be able to fly to eventually.
  • The Oz Runways intro videos were great.  Definitely has helped me to get the most out of that app.
  • Controlled airspace flight/lesson – I never thought I would want to do my controlled airspace endorsement but that video has made me reconsider.  It was great having someone explain what was going on with each of the calls.  I would definitely love to see more flights like that into controlled airspace with someone explaining.
  • The videos from the cockpit of the student doing various tasks involved in the cross country flight were very beneficial.  It enabled me to visualise myself in the cockpit and imagine juggling flying the aeroplane with navigating.
Thanks again for offering these videos up for free to Melbourne pilots in lockdown.  I am hopeful of being able to take a few weeks off work and fly up to Queensland in the next year or so.  Will have to drop in to say hi.

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